There are many health and fitness trends that simply need to be stopped, stopped with a capital S.
In the age of information, we are drowning in pointless pieces of data and material that does not benefit our overall health and wellness.
It can be difficult to cut through the fluff and find the real value. It’s important to sort through the misinformation, and this why these health and fitness trends need to be stopped!

Fit Teas
Fit teas are all the rage on social media, especially Instagram. Famous celebrities and influencers are constantly promoting these teas. Long term use of fit teas can actually cause the bowels to function irregularly. It can also cause an imbalance of chemicals within your blood.
The side effects include diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, cramps, bloating, gas, and nausea. Be weary of these teas promising to have you shedding weight like water.
Limiting Diets
Most limiting diets that cut out entire food groups are extremely unhealthy. Often times, an individual can become more susceptible to developing an eating disorder. It’s important to eat a diet that is balance and nutritious for your lifestyle and activity level.
Many diets have become popular for weight loss and other reasons such as keto, paleo, veganism, and more. Be sure you are testing the diet out for yourself and how it interacts with you – most importantly, how it makes you feel and function.
Ab Machine
You may see these notorious fitness machines at your local gym or fitness center. Using the ab machine will not make you get abs. Although it is called the ab machine, you may be surprised to find the very small effect it actually has towards building your abs – slim to none.
Diet Pills
Some people have gone diet pill crazy. There is nothing wrong with taking supplements, but again, anything that promises you insane results in 30 days is usually a farse.
Stick to good nutrition, exercise, and rest. It will offer you more in the long run than any diet pill can. The dieting industry in the USA is estimated to be worth 80 billion dollars, and it only continues to grow.