Well trained glutes are not only aesthetically pleasing; they serve many other purposes. There are many benefits to strong glutes. Strong glutes can make you run faster and jump higher. It also aids in injury preventions, as it acts as a layer of protection against knee pain and lower back pain. The best frequency to work glutes is two to three times per week – anything more may be excessive and result in not enough recovery time. The benefits of training your glutes can seem endless, so why not jump on the glute train!

Add The Accessories
Resistance bands, ankle weights, kettle bell, and dumbbells are some essential accessories you need for building glutes at home or at the gym. You can pick these items up at your local department store or fitness center.
Glute Warm-up
Don’t forget the glute warm up. The glute warm up is a great way to activate and engage your glutes for the following exercises you will perform during your workout. Here are some excellent glute warm ups to try:
– Donkey kicks
– Glute bridges
– Fire Hydrant
– Resistance banded squats
Glute Specific Exercises
You can perform these exercises with or without weights. Weights will make it more challenging and increase muscle mass if you are planning on maxing out. If you are just starting out it would be better to start with no weights or very light manageable weights because you want to be sure you are performing the exercises properly and safely.
– Lunges
– Squats
– Deadlift
– Side lunges
– Clamshells
– Hip thrust
– Weighted step-up
– Seated abduction machine
Foods Imperative To Glute Growth
Diet is the foundation of results and positive outcomes from the gym. The best foods to consume that are imperative to glute growth include eggs, chick peas, lentils, salmon, Greek yogurt, brown rice, protein shakes, and lean meat.