Traditionally, we are led to believe that all of what a healthy lifestyle is based upon what you eat, drink, and how often you exercise. Stay away from sugar, go to the gym, ease up on the pasta – these are the common mantras we have been told time and time again by fitness experts, personal trainers, and health coaches. There are alternative aspects to health and medicine not commonly discussed or shared. In fact, there are many alternative methods to enhance and energize your body. These methods have little to do with diet and working out – although exercising and quality of food intake play a crucial role, it does not solve everything.
Light therapy exposes you to different colors and wavelengths of light using lamps, spectrum lights, or lasers. It has different benefits depending on what the method is treating. Light therapy can aid in many things such as treating depression, seasonal disorders, weight loss, reduces cellulite, treats neck or back pain, eases acne, and more. Here are some of the benefits of different colors of light therapy:

Blue Light Therapy:
Blue light therapy is used to tread ailments related to sun damage. Some of these ailments include sun damage and skin cancer growth. Blue light therapy can reduce your risk of skin cancer by removing precancerous and cancerous skin lesions that have not metastasized. Long term exposure to blue light can cause damage, moderation is key.
Red Light Therapy:
Red light therapy promotes existing collagen and boosts new collagen production. Red light is beneficial for skin in general, it can improve the tone, texture, pore size, and wrinkles that exist on your skin. Scientific studies have shown individuals who tried red light therapy saw a reduction in their fine lines, wrinkles, and signs of aging.
Green Light Therapy:
Green light therapy triggers your body to increase pain-killing chemicals. It can help reduce inflammation in your body which is a cause of ailments and chronic pain.
Light therapy should be approached with caution if you suffer from skin or eye conditions that make you sensitive to light. If you are on antibiotics, herbal supplements, or anti-inflammatory medication you should proceed with caution. Light therapy is typically conducted in the morning, for a duration lasting anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes, consult with your doctor before trying these methods.